Danielle Sipsock, MD
Dr. Danielle Sipsock received her B.S. from the University of Notre Dame in 2009 and her M.D. from the Medical University of South Carolina in 2014 before completing General Psychiatry Residency at Brown University in 2017. She concurrently completed Brown’s fellowships in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Child Mental Health T32 Research Program. She was mentored by Dr. Stephen Sheinkopf with a research and clinical interest on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and co-occurring psychiatric conditions. She has been the recipient of multiple awards and grants during fellowship training including the International Society of Autism’s Research Student Award, AACAP’s Educational Outreach Award, NIMH’s Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program Award, the Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award Program Grant, the Hasbro/Bradley Pilot Clinical Research Award, and the Bailey’s Team for Autism Award. Following fellowship, she became an attending psychiatrist at the Developmental Disorders service at Maine Behavioral Healthcare in Portland, Maine, where she splits her time between the outpatient clinic and developing an independent program of clinical research in ASD.